Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Adaptation of the model of sustainable energy management at industrial enterprises
Author:Dreshpak N. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The structural analysis of the energy management system is applied – when considering the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard. The components of the energy management system standard are compared with the developed one – when determining the functions of the energy management system of the coal mine. Regression analysis was used in the formation of planned indicators of energy consumption of the coal mine. Results. It is necessary to develop additional methodological support for the implementation of energy management according to the ISO 50001. It is proved that such methodological support should take into account the features of production activities at industrial enterprises, as well as the conditions of the production at a particular enterprise. An example of such development for coal mines of Ukraine is considered. Novelty. Due to the lack of sufficient methodological support in the ISO 50001 standard for implementing an energy management system, there has been proven the need to develop elements that take into account the specific features of production. In the conditions of the coal mine the attention is focused on the sequence of forming the planned indicators, the order of energy consumption control, and information support of the process. Practical value. The task for developers of energy management systems according to the ISO 50001 standard is formulated, which implies the definition of additional elements in methodical maintenance for the process taking into account specific features of production. The example of formation of the planned indicators, as well as the order of energy consumption control in the conditions of coal mining, is considered. 
Keywords:Energy efficiency, Sustainable development, Energy package, Energy trilemma, Energy management, Energy management systems, Energy efficiency control
File of the article:EV20213_062-066.pdf
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