Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Mechanism for implementation of adaptive management of staff in the transport industry
Author:Spitsyna A. Ye., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained as a result of the application of methods: systematization and generalization, analysis and synthesis – in the process of considering the main modern approaches to the content of the concept of «adaptive personnel management» of the enterprise; classification and analytical method – in the process of clarifying the constituent elements of the development of adaptive personnel management, specifying the content of adaptive personnel management, researching the factors affecting the productivity of the company's employees. Results. The adaptation system is necessary in order to reduce the time that a new employee usually needs to learn in a new place, to quickly «blend» into the team, to understand the requirements that the company sets for them, and to reach the required level of productivity faster. For a transport company, the adaptation system significantly reduces staff turnover during the trial period, which leads to a reduction in recruitment costs. A competently developed system of adaptation allows the employee who joined the new team to feel more comfortable, and the management – to get the maximum return from his work in the shortest possible time. The company's personnel adaptation program includes goals and a list of tasks within the framework of the responsibilities of a new employee (driver, machinist, freight forwarder, etc.), the terms of their implementation and the expected result, a list of normative documents regulating the work of the unit, necessary for the employee's assimilation adaptation period, as well as other information that contributes to the fastest possible entry into the position of a new employee. Novelty. The issue of adaptation of new employees at the transport enterprise is summarized, the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of the essence of the term adaptation are analyzed, the key aspects of worker adaptation are highlighted, and the main tools for the implementation of the adaptation policy are also defined. Systematization of theoretical material was carried out to identify differences and opportunities for improvement of the Adaptation Program at domestic enterprises. The main problems faced by employees during the adaptation period have been determined, and recommendations for building an effective adaptation system at the enterprise have been formulated. Practical value. Development directions of various tools have been formed for the effective construction of adaptation, which allows to provide the transport enterprise with highly qualified and competitive personnel, able to quickly cope with the tasks, demonstrate a sufficient level of professional competence and experience, become part of the team and find a common language with the direct manager. The adaptation system with complex and time-consuming tasks is substantiated, the solution of which affects the reduction of personnel management costs, the reduction of personnel turnover, the improvement of indicators of the efficiency of its work, will form a positive attitude to work, the team and loyalty to the enterprise as a whole. 
Keywords:Adaptation of employees, Adaptation of personnel, Personnel management, Employees, Personnel, Transport, Enterprise
File of the article:EV20223_156-169.pdf
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