Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №1 (81)
Section:Economics of enterprise
UDK:338; 658.3
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Assessing the level of development of corporate culture of an industrial enterprise in the context of innovative development
Authors:Smesova V. L., Dnipro University of Technology,
Kovtun N. V., University of Customs and Finance
Annotation:Methods. The methodology of the study is based on such general scientific and specific methods as analysis and synthesis – in determining the type and comparing the characteristics of corporate culture; graphical analysis – in building a profile of corporate culture of an industrial enterprise; statistical methods – in assessing and calculating the corporate culture rating; expert evaluation – in assessing the level of development of corporate culture of an enterprise. Results. On the basis of the Cameron and Quinn methodology, the level of development of corporate culture is assessed and the type of culture of the industrial enterprise «GRAND» is determined. The most significant characteristics of the enterprise, specifics of the style of leaders-managers and personnel management, elements of connectivity, strategic goals and directions of activity, as well as indicators of its success are evaluated. A typological analysis is carried out and a profile of corporate culture is built, which reflects its current state and its state in the future. Attention is focused on measures to improve the corporate culture of the enterprise in the future, aimed at achieving longterm economic results and innovative development of the enterprise. Novelty. The main stages and tools for quantitative assessment of the corporate structure of enterprise on the basis of the Cameron and Quinn methodology has been substantiated. An assessment of the level of development of corporate culture has been carried out on the example of a specific industrial enterprise. Measures aimed at improving the corporate culture of the enterprise under consideration in the context of ensuring more efficient management and innovative development in the future are proposed. Practical value. The results of the study are of an applied nature, since understanding the algorithm and procedure for applying the methodology for assessing corporate culture on the example of a particular industrial enterprise allows choosing the most accurate tools for its monitoring in the real economic environment. 
Keywords:Innovative development, Corporate culture, Corporate management, Industrial enterprise, Types of corporate culture, Cameron, & Quinn method
File of the article:EV20231_172-180.pdf
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