Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Innovative activity in the basic metals industry: comparative analysis with EU countries
Author:Lytvynenko N. I., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. In the process of studying innovation activities in the basic metals industry of Ukraine and European countries, methods of analysis and synthesis, empirical methods, induction and deduction techniques, graphical, logical and tabular methods were used. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of comparative analysis and observation, which made it possible to assess the current state of innovative activity in the basic metals industry of Ukraine. The graphical method made it possible to visualize the results of the study. Results. The use of comparative analysis made it possible to assess the current state of innovation activity in the basic metals industry of Ukraine in comparison with European countries. A comparative analysis, based on key indicators of innovation activities of industrial enterprises, was carried out. These indicators include the number of innovation activities of industrial enterprises; enterprise innovation expenditure of industrial enterprises; the number of introduced technological processes of industrial enterprises; the number of introduced innovative products (goods, services) of industrial enterprises; and total turnover from innovation activities of industrial enterprises. The analysis was carried out using public statistical data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the statistical office of the European Union. It is revealed that innovation activities in metallurgical industry of Ukraine in terms of key indicators is significantly lower than in European countries. The main problems of functioning of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine are identified as part of the global industry. Novelty. There are proposed the main directions for improving innovation policy in the manufacture of basic metals to increase its competitiveness in the world market. Practical value consists in developing proposals to improve innovation policy in the basic metals industry. The results of the study can be applied for further research of innovation activities in metallurgical industry of Ukraine. 
Keywords:Indicators of innovation activities, Metallurgy, Statistical data, Innovation activities, Innovative products
File of the article:EV20232_069-075.pdf
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