Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №4 (84)
Section:International economic relations
UDK:338.43. 339.1: 332.122.6
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Features of the world grain market functioning in the conditions of geopolitical instability
Authors:Prushkivska E. V., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Kovalenko R. M., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The study used the methods of generalisation and scientific abstraction to clarify the essence and main features of the global grain market; general and specific – to characterise the function of the national and global grain market; structural and functional analysis – to structure the global grain market by three classification features; statistical analysis – to identify trends in the functioning of the grain market in the context of geopolitical instability; induction and deduction – to formulate the study’s conclusions. Results. The essence of the modern world grain market and features of its functioning in the context of geopolitical instability are clarified. The structure of the grain market is classified according to three criteria. The main functions of the world grain market are allocated: production, supply, global trade, pricing, food security, economic development, stimulation of innovations, and risk reduction. Based on the identified functions, the author analyses the trends of the global and national grain market in the context of geopolitical instability. It is emphasised that grain production is a key component of the world market and has a significant impact on the global economy, food security and trade. The production volumes of cereals such as wheat, rice, corn, barley and others determine the total amount of food available to the population. It is emphasised that grain exporting countries can use their agricultural potential to strengthen their geopolitical position. It has been established that Ukraine is one of the important players on the world grain market and is among the top ten producers and exporters of grain crops. It is substantiated that due to the continuation of the war in Ukraine, serious problems with the supply of grain crops may arise in the world and further aggravation of the geopolitical situation. It has been demonstrated that solving the problems of grain supply in the modern world requires an integrated approach at different levels – from global to local, as well as coordinated efforts of various actors, including governments, scientific institutions, industry organizations and civil society. Only through the integration of various aspects and the construction of balanced strategies, sustainable and long-term supply of food to the world’s population can be achieved in conditions of geopolitical instability. Novelty. The study reveals that geopolitical instability has a destabilising impact on the functioning of the global grain market, which is a key component of the global food chain. It is substantiated that a prolonged war in Ukraine could lead to serious problems in the world with grain supplies and food security for millions of people. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by scientific and educational institutions in the process of researching the national and global grain market. 
Keywords:Globalisation, Imports, Exports, Geopolitical instability, Demand, Supply, Global grain market, Commodity markets
File of the article:EV20234_058-066.pdf
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