Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2014 №1 (45)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Efficient annuity policies in extraction of energy resources
Author:Zhykalyak M. V.
Annotation:The necessity of crucial transformation of rental approach in mineral wealth utilization is substantiated. The conditions which lead to creation of rental income and the types of rent are considered. It is suggested to separate definitions of mining rent caused by natural conditions of depths, and entrepreneurial one being the result of innovative managerial decisions and capital investments into mineral deposits exploitation technique. The description of mining and entrepreneurial rents is given. A new method to calculate a royalty rate with taking into account mining output of mineral resources and wholesale incomes is proposed. 
Keywords:Rental approach, Rental policy, Royalty, Mining rent, Entrepreneurial rent, Fossil fuels
File of the article:EV20141_136-144.pdf