Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2015 №1 (49)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Generalized model of decision-making for internationalization of enterprises
Authors:Alekseev I. V.,
Ilchuk P. H.
Annotation:The necessity of making management decisions regarding the internationalization of enterprises using the same common model is proved, allowing this process of unification to incorporate previous managerial experience. Generalized model of decision-making for internationalization of enterprises is developed, which allows formation of precise and universal methodological recommendations for internationalization of all types of enterprises, each stage of the developed model is detailed, and it is proved that the model is continuous in time, as evidenced by feedback on individual stages. 
Keywords:Internationalization, Model, Decision making, Internationalization degree, Activity effectiveness, Relationship
File of the article:EV20151_124-132.pdf
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