Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2016 №3 (55)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Information-analytical system of enterprise financial state recognition branch and business finance
Authors:Bandorina L. M.,
Savchuk R. V.,
Sokyrynska I. G.
Annotation:The issues of the information-analytical systems practical usage for domestic enterprises are considered. The necessity of differentiated approach to the consumers’ needs and demands in the financial diagnostics is determined. The paper presents the mechanism of implementation and operation of the complex system of financial state recognition, which takes into account the segm consumers entation and allows implementing more detailed and reasoned approach to identify and eliminate deficiencies in financial and economic activity. 
Keywords:Information-analytical system, Enterprise financial state recognition, System of enterprise financial state recognition DP-Analiz, Assessment of the financial state of the enterprise
File of the article:EV20163_136-144.pdf
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