Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:International planning of marketing strategic activities of the company: information technologies of brand promotion
Authors:Kasian S. Ya., Dnipro University of Technology,
Pilova K. P., Dnipro University of Technology,
Makukha Yu. M., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The article uses the following methods and tools of scientific research: generalization, induction and deduction – in order to determine the importance of the use of marketing methods of promotion in the consumer and industrial markets by priority; description and generalization – during the characterization of the architecture of the global brand of lubricants Mobil brand and the description of the logos of the parent brand, master brand, sub-brands and service brand; statistical analysis, index method – during the analysis of the marketing strategic activity of «MasloTrade» LLC in the market of fuels and lubricants of Ukraine, establishing the dynamics of sales volumes of Mobil products by segments of application of lubricants during 2017–2021; method of expert assessments (IFAS analysis) – during the analysis of the internal environment, formulation and assessment of strength and weakness factors; competitive analysis, comparison – during the assessment of the competitive position of lubricants suppliers in the second half of 2021; theory of international marketing, consumer behavior and competition. Results. The importance of the use of marketing methods of promotion in the consumer and industrial markets by priority has been determined. The marketing strategic activity of «MasloTrade» LLC in the market of fuels and lubricants of Ukraine is analyzed. The architecture of the Mobil global brand of lubricants is characterized; the logos of the parent brand, master brand, sub-brands and service brand are described. The prices for fuels and lubricants of different brands in the Ukrainian market in the second half of 2021 were compared, as well as and the properties of lubricant brands. Novelty. Based on the results of the analysis of the internal environment, strength and weakness factors were formulated and evaluated using IFAS-analysis. The competitive position of lubricants suppliers in the second half of 2021 was assessed. Practical value. The analysis allows «MasloTrade» LLC to improve its marketing activities in the international and Ukrainian market of fuels and lubricants, which is manifested in the price, communication components of the Mobil brand promotion, continuation of the debit deferral policy, which helps to support its partners in doing business and promotes its development. Methodological components of the analysis of the internal environment of the company, competitive analysis can be used in the marketing activities of other enterprises. 
Keywords:Industrial market, Brand, Promotion, Information technology, Lubricants, Segmentation, Marketing strategic activity
File of the article:EV20223_048-058.pdf
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