Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Role of mechanisms regulating the environmental and economic development of mining industry in the formation of innovative environment of national economy
Authors:Yatsykovskyy B. I., National Academy of Management,
Ivanyshyna H. S., National Academy of Management,
Holubka S. M., Accounting Chamber of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the problems of the national economy and its sectoral structure, subsoil use, sustainable development, state regulation, environmental economics, and environmental policy. The results of the work were obtained through the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, a dialectical approach, the method of analogy, scientific generalization, and the method of economic and comparative analysis. Results. The need for government influence on economic development is substantiated in order to effectively use the natural resource potential based on the extraction of minerals from the subsoil, as well as their exploration, development, primary processing, use and sale. The role of management mechanisms in the formation of an innovative model of balanced development of the national economy is determined, and the priorities of ecological and economic development of the mining industry are highlighted. The concept of state regulation is substantiated by the economic development of the mining industry, which varies between two extreme scenarios - active extractionof minerals in compliance with the requirements of effective use of natural resource potential and/or suspension of extraction of minerals in view of the interests of future generations and ecological imperatives. It has been proven that the improvement of the administrative and legal mechanisms of regulation of ecological and economic development should be carried out not so much through the introduction of new norms as by monitoring the implementation of existing provisions, as well as taking into account the experience of regulation of ecological and economic development in the system of national economies in the EU countries. Novelty. The specifics of the state regulation of ecological and economic development of the mining industry are revealed, which requires compliance with the principles established by law and will enable the implementation of relevant mechanisms for the purpose of forming an innovative environment of the ecological economy. Practical value. The results of the study are of an applied nature, since the study of the principles and issues of priorities of ecological and economic development in the system of the national economy in general and the mining industry, in particular, provides an opportunity to improve the implementation of mechanisms of state regulation aimed at the formation of innovative foundations of the ecological economy. 
Keywords:National economy, Ecological and economic development, Innovative environment, Mining industry, Econom- ic development, Mechanisms of state regulation
File of the article:EV20233_032-040.pdf
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