Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Innovativeness of the management system as a condition of ensuring the security of enterprise development
Authors:Prokhorova V. V., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy,
Mushnykova S. A., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:The article substantiates the expediency of defining “innovative management system” as a basic condition for ensuring the safety of enterprise development. The main direction of the existing concept of “innovation” in the enterprise management system is determined, which is of major importance in the development of the theoretical and methodological basis in the formation of scientific and innovative platforms. It is proved that in modern conditions the enterprise as an economic system needs to focus on innovation as a permanent creative process, while the innovative type of enterprise as a business-oriented structure, and managerial innovation should be considered as the result of its innovativeness. The analysis of existing research indicates the lack of scientific studies of the management system innovativeness, which directly affects the managerial decision making to introduce innovations in the enterprise. Research by domestic and foreign scientists is mainly aimed at the innovativeness of the individual as a key element of the human economy, or the study of certain areas of innovation such as: competitiveness or enterprise development. Some foreign authors are trying to propose indicators by which it is possible to determine the level of innovation of a particular country to create criteria-based living conditions in a dynamic space. However, insufficient attention is paid to factors and indicators that can take into account the level of innovation at the micro level, that is, at the enterprise level, as the main subject of the economic system. It is proved that innovation, as a condition for ensuring the safety of enterprise development, should be based on specific vector-directed principles, such as creativity, synergy and holistic, along with the existing general scientific principles of management. There is substantiated the expediency of defining the concept of “innovativeness of the enterprise management system” as a system state of a unique sphere of theoretical and experimental managerial activity using fundamental and applied scientific methods or models, creative management technologies with the aim of creating cross-cutting or multi-platform activities aimed at digitalization and multiple formats on strategic and tactical levels. 
Keywords:Innovativeness, Management system, Development security, Creativity, Cognitive innovativeness, Sensory innovativeness, Innovative type, Innovation
File of the article:EV20192_082-090.pdf
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