Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Forming an effective system of strategic management of enterprise innovativeness
Author:Koleschuk O. Ya., Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:The article considers the essence of the concept of «innovation market», which is understood as the market for creative scientific, technological, organizational and managerial innovations. It has been determined that the strategic management of enterprise innovativeness includes special forms of management in the field of innovation carried out by enterprises. It is determined that the goal of strategic management of enterprise innovativeness is aimed at implementing the main functions of scientific and technical development, developing and implementing the obtained innovative results by conducting research and development, creating an innovative product, modernizing technical elements, quality and the like. The article has developed an effective system of strategic management of enterprise innovation, which includes goals, objectives, functions of strategic management of enterprise innovation. It was revealed that in the formation of an effective system of strategic management of innovative enterprises, management functions (areas of managerial activity that allow influencing the innovativeness of the enterprise) and the processes of making and optimizing managerial decisions are used. In the framework of the formation of the functional concept of strategic management of enterprise innovativeness, economic and mathematical modeling of processes is used to make decisions for each management function, optimization models, scheduling, network planning, and models for optimizing the organizational structure of enterprise innovativeness. The analysis of literary sources made it possible to determine that the strategic management of enterprise innovation solves the issues of planning and implementing innovative developments, the essence of which is a significant increase in production or the level of development of the social environment of the enterprise, ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise through an effective innovation policy in a strategic perspective. It was determined that for the formation and achievement of the goals of the system of strategic management of enterprise innovation, development scenarios are developed that contain coordinated and interconnected development paths taking into account the influence of exogenous and endogenous influence factors. 
Keywords:Innovative development, Strategic management of enterprise innovation, Innovation efficiency, Strategy
File of the article:EV20192_091-098.pdf
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