Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economics of enterprise
UDK:622.7: 658.3.018
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Improvement of the mechanism of productivity management of Ukrainian industrial enterprises
Authors:Shapoval V. M., Dnipro University of Technology,
Herasymenko T. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Current state of the theory and practice of productivity management of industrial enterprises is investigated. The main factors characterizing the level of productivity of industrial enterprises is determined. The characteristics of the classical and new paradigm of productivity management of industrial enterprise are systematized. A methodology for managing the productivity of industrialenterprises on the basis of diagnostics of its reserves is developed taking into account the specifics of modern market conditions. Theory and methodology of the study is based on the research and development of domestic and foreign scientists, associated with issues of productivity management of industrial enterprises, the prospects for its improvement, legislative and regulatory Ukrainian acts in this field, the specialized materials of scientific conferences and symposia. The study uses the following methods: grouping – at the justifying the characteristics of the classical and new paradigm of productivity management of an industrial enterprise; generalization – at the forming the model of productivity management of industrial enterprise; developing an indicator for assessing the integrated productivity of resources, diagnosing production reserves. The originality of the research results consists in the systematization systematization of indicators for assessing the productivity of industrial enterprises, including: total, integral and individual productivity of resources. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying its results for assessing the integrated productivity of production resources, as well as diagnosing production reserves not only by industrial enterprises, but also by interested groups of users, in particular, owners, investors, government authorities. 
Keywords:Labor productivity, Factors of production, Productivity management, Production reserves, Resource efficiency
File of the article:EV20192_099-107.pdf
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