Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of the system of assessment of enterprise human resources while managing economic security potential
Author:Kopcha Yu. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:Under dynamic development of the market environment for enterprise operation, the issues of managing the potential of their economic security are becoming increasingly urgent. Businesses must confront all sorts of threats and recover from their occurrence. The successful functioning of an enterprise in the market economy requires the provision of an effective system of measures to improve the level of economic security, which is a cumulative concept because it combines different functional components. Effective management of the personnel at the enterprise is one of the priorities in achieving stability and growth of enterprises, as well as in ensuring the potential of its economic security. The methodological basis of the research is the research works of the classical economic science, publications by leading scientists and specialists in the problems of enterprise security management, combining theoretical and scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, theoretical and logical generalization. It is substantiated that in recent years, enterprises of different ownership types are experiencing increasing threats from their own personnel, this is accompanied by deterioration of the economic security of the enterprise due to increased risks in personnel management. It is proved that the successful functioning of the enterprise implies the existence of a rational system of measures to ensure the potential of its economic security through the personnel management by combining material investments in personnel with moral incentives, ensuring safe working conditions and career development of staff; implementation of strategic personnel planning at each enterprise; harmonization of market conditions and business development with the interests of employees of the enterprise, ensuring differentiation of income of employees performing different functions. It is stated that personnel management can guarantee stable and maximum effective activity of the enterprise, high potential of economic security and its development in the future. 
Keywords:Potential, Economic security, Threats, Personnel component, Indicators, Evaluation system, Management, Machine building enterprises, Competitiveness
File of the article:EV20192_116-122.pdf
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