Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Risk-oriented thinking as the basis for innovation of enterprise security management system
Author:Mushnikova S. A., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:In the current conditions of the economy functioning with a high level of uncertainty, there is identified an increasing level of negative impact of various risks associated with all types of activities of any enterprise. This necessitates a reorientation of the enterprise management system to risk-based thinking. It is shown that the basis for the development of an enterprise management system is to ensure that all types of its activities are protected from possible threats and risks, which requires a change in the safety development culture to risk-based thinking as its integral element. The author's interpretation of the term «risk-oriented thinking» is given and a new vision of risk-oriented thinking as an element of the safety management culture of an enterprise is proposed. This vision is aimed at the formation of managerial competencies at all levels of enterprise management for assessing and analyzing the level of risks, as well as identifying and realizing opportunities to achieve strategic and tactical goals of enterprise development. Considering the threats and risks of the external and internal nature of the impact, through risk-oriented thinking, using effective tools of the enterprise development safety management culture, which include managerial competencies, a mechanism for making strategic and tactical managerial decisions regarding the directions of enterprise development safety is explained. The advantages of the proposed management decision-making mechanism are: increasing the likelihood of achieving goals, improving financial reporting, improving awareness of the need to identify and manage the risk of the entire enterprise, improving the identification of opportunities and the processing of risk, improving the enterprise management system, enhancing stakeholder confidence, establishing a reliable basis for decision-making and planning, efficient allocation and use of resources for risk management, cost minimization. 
Keywords:National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Risk-oriented thinking, development safety management, managerial competence, management culture, risk, enterprise, enterprise activity
File of the article:EV20194_093-101.pdf
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