Issue: | 2019 №4 (68) |
Section: | Economics of enterprise |
UDK: | 33.338;658 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 138-147 |
Title: | Innovative methods of enterprise management with evaluation of their efficiency |
Authors: | Reznik N. P., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Opalat D. V., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine |
Annotation: | The article discusses the essence of the concept of «innovative management methods», by which it is proposed to understand the system of innovations in the enterprise, implemented in its management system. It is determined that innovative methods of enterprise management include special forms of management in the field of personnel and technologies that are used at the enterprise. It is shown that managerial innovation is a change in the content of functions, technologies and the organization of the management process and the methods of operation of management, which increase the efficiency of the enterprise in the conditions of the indefinite influence of environmental factors and are implemented through the use of managerial competence and the use of new information technologies. For the successful implementation of any innovations, especially the new management methods, the character of the staff’s views, its orientation toward development, attitude towards changes, and readiness to take risk become important. It is determined that innovative methods of enterprise management are aimed at implementing an innovation implementation strategy to achieve the main goal of its functioning. It is revealed that in the formation of effective innovative methods, managerial functions (areas of managerial activity that allow influencing the innovativeness of the enterprise) and the processes of making and optimizing managerial decisions are used. In the framework of the formation of the functional concept of innovative management methods, economic and mathematical modeling of decision-making processes for each management function, optimization models, scheduling, network planning, and models for optimizing the organizational structure of enterprise innovativeness are used. It is determined that the application of innovative methods of enterprise management solves the issues of planning and implementation of innovative developments, which in the long run ensures sustainable development of the enterprise through an effective innovation policy. It is demonstrated that for the formation and achievement of the goals of the system of innovative enterprise management methods, development scenarios that contain coordinated and interconnected development paths taking into account the influence of exogenous and endogenous influence factors. |
Keywords: | Innovative development, Innovative methods of enterprise management, Efficiency, Strategy |
File of the article: | EV20194_138-147.pdf |
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