Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Public management and administration
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Current state and prospects for development of electronic government in public administration of Ukraine
Authors:Bolduev M. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Boldueva O. V., Zaporizhzhia National University,
Isikov S. M., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of general scientific and special research methods, in particular: the method of theoretical generalization – to clarify the conceptual apparatus, generalize the essence of e-government and identify its features in the context of meeting modern citizens' requirements for the public administration system; deduction – when developing specific principles of e-government; systematic approach method – to identify patterns of development of electronic government; logic, expert assessments, analysis and synthesis – to substantiate measures to level the factors of negative impact on the development of the e-government system in Ukraine. Results. There is stressed the necessity of building an e-democracy platform on the basis of the e-government system in Ukraine, promoting alternative mechanisms for citizens' participation in the activities of government bodies at all levels in order to improve the quality of decisions. The specific principles of functioning of the e-government system (which complement the general principles of public administration) have been determined. Measures have been developed to overcome the consequences of the influence of negative factors on the development of the electronic government system in Ukraine. Novelty. The methodological foundations of e-government have been improved by substantiating specific principles (which complement the general principles of public administration) in the context of a strategy for the further development and implementation of an e-democracy system in Ukraine. Practical value. The activities aimed at ensuring the further development of the egovernment system in Ukraine in the context of its focus on meeting the needs of consumers of services and public authorities are substantiated. 
Keywords:E-government, Public administration, E-service, Document flow, State institutions, Local government, Service recipients
File of the article:EV20203_118-125.pdf
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