Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Comprehensive management strategy for diversification-andintegration development of machine-building enterprises: economic determinants of effective implementation
Author:Zalutska Kh. Ya., Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:Methods. The study is carried out using the following methods: theoretical generalization – in the study of existing methodological approaches to the development of an enterprise management strategy; analysis and synthesis – when highlighting the key parameters of diversification and integration development; decomposition and structural and logical analysis - to highlight the stages of the process of forming an integrated strategy for managing the diversification and integration development of an enterprise.Results. The stages of the process of forming a comprehensive strategy for managing the diversification and integration development of an enterprise on the basis of deterministic and effective technology are determined and characterized. The results to be obtained from the implementation of activities at each of the stages are outlined. The necessity of highlighting a separate component of the stage of the process of forming a comprehensive strategy for managing the diversification and integration development of an enterprise – «assessing the influence of stakeholders on the development of the enterprise», which will allow obtaining the maximum level of synergetic effect from this type of development. It is shown that such an approach will contribute to the optimal construction of a strategic pyramid for the effective development of a synergetic strategic set of management of diversification and integration development of a machine-building enterprise in the context of neotechnological reproduction. Novelty. There is proposed the process of forming a comprehensive strategy for managing the diversification and integration development of a machine-building enterprise, which takes into account the neotechnological conditions of reproduction, which is developed on the basis of a scientific approach to the construction of a deterministic-effective technology. Practical value. The research results will be useful for machine-building enterprises when choosing a comprehensive strategy for managing their development in modern conditions of neotechnological reproduction. Thanks to the formation of a synergistic strategic toolset based on the strategic pyramid, enterprises have the opportunity to choose the right direction of development and ensure higher efficiency in building their potential through the optimal and effective interaction of business units. 
Keywords:Strategy formation process, Integrated development management strategy, Diversification and integration development, Stakeholders, Strategic pyramid, Synergistic strategic toolset, Development determinants, Strategy construction technology
File of the article:EV20203_134-143.pdf
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