Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Financial and economic security of enterprises in the context of adaptation to the challenges of the digital environment
Author:Kovalchuk A. M., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The research is based on the scientific works of domestic scientists, as well as on the practical research on the development of digital environment of enterprises. The study was conducted using the following scientific methods: analysis and generalization of theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concepts of «financial and economic security of an enterprise», «digital economy», «digital trends»; graphical method – when building the stages of digital transformation of an enterprise and improving the mechanism for ensuring the financial and economic security of an enterprise in a digital environment; the combination of the comparison method and the tabular method – to highlight the challenges and opportunities for enterprise adaptation to digital trends and their impact on financial and economic security. Results. The results of the study consist in the formation of an improved mechanism for ensuring the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The main challenges faced by enterprises with the development of the digital environment are investigated and the possibilities of applying digital trends to ensure an appropriate level of financial and economic security are identified. Novelty. For the first time, the improvement of the mechanism for ensuring the financial and economic security of an enterprise is proposed, taking into account the challenges of introducing digital trends into the country's economy and developing the digital environment. Practical value. The study of the adaptation of the enterprise and the system of its financial and economic security in the digital environment will reveal new security threats and will contribute to the growth of their competitiveness in the long term, as well as to the constant economic growth of the main performance indicators, the intensive use of innovative technologies, and the attraction of investment resources. 
Keywords:Financial and economic security, Adaptability, Adaptation, Digital economy, Digital environment, Digital trends, Challenges, Opportunities, Digital business, Industry
File of the article:EV20203_152-159.pdf
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