Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economics of enterprise
UDK:658.3:005 (045)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical and methodological approach to evaluation of internal adaptability of machine-building enterprises to structural transformations as an economic stability factors
Author:Ziz D. O., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: analysis and comparison, synthesis and theoretical generalization – to form a theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the internal capacity for structural transformations of machine-building enterprises; grouping, systems analysis – to draw the conclusions of the study; economic-statistical, system and comparative analysis – to analyze the financial results of machine-building enterprises, their dynamics, composition and structure; graphical analysis - to visualize the results of the study. Results. The main structural transformations for the enterprises of machine-building branch of Ukraine are analyzed. The main indicators of activity and development of enterprises of the machine-building complex of the country in 2014–2018 are investigated. The net profit, volumes of their own capital, financial results of activity of the enterprises of machine-building enterprises is analized, and reserves to their economic stability are defined. Novelty. The system of assessment of economic stability and adaptability to structural transformations of machine-building enterprises is formulated. There has been determined the influence of negative factors on the financial and economic activity of machine-building enterprises which lead to destabilization of economic ties. A theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the internal capacity for structural transformations of machine-building enterprises has been developed. Practical value. It is possible to apply the developed suggestions for assessing the internal adaptability for structural transformations of machine-building enterprises, in order to increase the efficiency of their management, increase profitability and ensure the competitiveness of products. The obtained conclusions and results of the research, the given methodical recommendations will promote effective functioning of the machine-building enterprises in the world markets. 
Keywords:Machine building enterprises, Financial indicators, Estimation, Structural transformations, Theoretical and methodical approach, External environment, Economic stability
File of the article:EV20203_176-188.pdf
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