Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Imperatives of enterprise modernization: formation and implementation
Author:Vovk O. N., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. General scientific theories and universally recognized concepts of economic systems management, as well as statistical information, practical aspects of enterprise modernization in innovative economy make the scientific basis of the research. Applying the methods of historical and logical generalization and the dialectical method, the author investigated the basic theories of imperativism and development in philosophy and economics. The methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to reveal the main provisions of the author's vision of the essence of economic imperatives, the process of their formation and implementation in economic systems. The use of methods of statistical and trend analysis made it possible to identify trends and factors in the formation of patterns of innovative development of the national economy and to highlight the conditions for the implementation of modernization imperatives in domestic enterprises. Results. On the basis of the research, the author's approach to defining the essence of economic imperatives and their orientation in an innovative economy was formed. This made it possible to describe the process of formation and implementation of the imperatives of enterprise modernization, defining the main stages and their content, which later made it possible to formulate individual tasks of methodological support for the innovative development of the enterprise. Novelty. The interpretation of the concept of «economic imperatives» received its further development through conceptual requirements and norms that are mandatory to achieve the goals of profitability and development, taking into account the social, safety and environmental conditions of modernization of the enterprise, which, in contrast to the existing ones, focuses scientific research on innovativeness of functioning and dynamism of development of economic systems. In addition, there is revealed the author’s understanding of the process of formation and implementation of the modernization imperatives of the enterprise, which consists of six main stages: economic and scientific substantiation of the system of principles and goals of modernization; formation of many strategies and projects; formation of favorable environment for modernization and basic imperatives in the activities of the enterprise; formation of modernization imperatives of the enterprise; approbation and implementation of modernization imperatives of the enterprise; implementation of modernization imperatives. Practical value. The imperatives of enterprise modernization form the scientific and legal foundations of the systemic and comprehensive regulation of modernization changes and the promotion of innovative development. 
Keywords:Modernization, Imperatives, Enterprise, Innovative development, Formation, Implementation
File of the article:EV20203_197-203.pdf
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