Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Innovative culture in personnel management in transport industry of Ukraine
Author:Spitsyna A. Ye., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. The main methods used in the work are analysis and synthesis. With their help, the role and significance of innovative culture in the personnel management system of transport industry enterprises were determined (general theoretical principles, determinants of the formation of innovative culture and its practical implementation). The methods of generalization and system analysis made it possible to determine the system of principles on which the innovative culture in the personnel management system of enterprises should be based. Results. On the basis of the conducted study of approaches to determining the essential content of the concept of «innovative culture», the article examines the views of domestic scientists on the factors of formation and improvement of innovative culture in the context of personnel management. The role and place of innovative culture in the process of implementing the innovative strategy of enterprise development is determined. The main tasks and principles of forming an effective innovative culture in the context of personnel management in the transport industry are highlighted. The main functions of innovative culture in the personnel management system of the enterprise are substantiated. Novelty. The innovative culture of enterprises in the transport sector will contribute to the formation of its positive image among external counterparties (partners, consumers, potential employees, etc.), as one that actively develops and implements innovative ideas and is open to the perception of a new idea. Activities in the conditions of an effectively formed innovative culture stimulate specialists to reveal and realize their potential through the constant generation, selection, testing and implementation of new ideas. As a result of passing all stages of the innovation process – from the emergence of an innovative idea to its implementation – new knowledge, abilities, skills and experience are accumulated. Practical value. It is substantiated that innovative culture motivates enterprises of the transport industry to choose simple, clear goals and develops the desire of all personnel for innovative development. Innovative culture reflects the holistic orientation of personnel, fixed in motives, knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as in styles and norms of behavior. The constant updating of the «abilities» of the personnel contributes to the increase of the economic effect for the enterprise, the formation of a stable workforce of highly qualified employees. Innovative culture acts as a kind of filter on the way of introducing all innovations. 
Keywords:Innovative culture, Personnel management, Innovative development, Innovative potential, Transport, Industry, Enterprise
File of the article:EV20241_116-127.pdf
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