Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Model for assessing the effectiveness of implementing the financial strategy of an enterprise
Authors:Savchuk L. M., Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies,
Bandorina L. M., Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies,
Udachyna K. O., Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies,
Savchuk R. V., Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies,
Usenko M. P., Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
Annotation:Methods. In the course of studying the issues of evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of the financial strategy of enterprise, the article uses methods of generalization, systematization of terms and concepts, critical analysis in defining the essence of the concept of «financial strategy of enterprise», methods of economic and mathematical modeling – in building a component model of management of the financial strategy of enterprise, information technologies – in implementing the proposed approach. Results. A component model for managing the financial strategy of enterprise, consisting of three stages, is proposed. For each component, tasks, methods and models and the result obtained are defined. Based on the results of the first component, the type of the chosen financial strategy is determined. The second component allows obtaining forecast data of indicators necessary for assessing the effectiveness of strategy implementation. The paper develops and implements the third component of the model designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial strategy implementation. Novelty. The concept of financial strategy is clarified, which consists in determining the priority goals and a system of measures to achieve them in the field of financial resources formation, optimization of the capital structure and efficiency of asset use, which correspond to the general concept of enterprise development and ensure its implementation. The information system was improved on the basis of a built-in module based on the algorithm for building and implementing a financial strategy for enterprise development, which will allow: choosing economically feasible options for decisions regarding the selection and implementation of a financial strategy; correctly using the experience and subjective judgments of financial managers in making management decisions; improving functional coordination between employees of the financial department and the management of the enterprise. Practical value. To test the model, a model experiment was carried out using the financial statements of one of the operating enterprises. The results obtained indicate the efficiency and correctness of the proposed model and serve as an information basis for managerial decisions on assessing the effectiveness of measures to manage the financial strategy of enterprise. 
Keywords:Financial strategy, Component model, Enterprise, Efficiency of financial strategy implementation, Model experiment
File of the article:EV20241_142-153.pdf
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