Annotation: | Methods. The main methods used in the work are analysis and synthesis. With their help, the role and value of competitive potential in the management system were determined (general theoretical principles, determinants of competitive potential formation and its role in ensuring the development of the motor vehicle enterprise). The methods of generalization and system analysis made it possible to determine the system of principles on which the competitive potential in the enterprise management system should be based. Results. Based on the study of approaches to determining the essential content of the concept of «competitive potential», the article examines the views of domestic scientists on the factors of formation and increase of competitive potential in the context of enterprise management. It was determined that it is aimed at solving the problems of the functioning and development of the enterprise by ensuring the growth of its competitive advantages. It is shown that the formation of the company’s potential should take into account the specific characteristics of the industry and the chosen development model. The principles of formation and requirements for individual components of the competitive potential of the motor vehicle enterprise are proposed. Novelty. It has been proven that the competitive potential of a motor transport enterprise will contribute to the formation of its positive image among counterparties (partners, consumers, potential employees, etc.), as one that actively develops and implements creative ideas and is open to the perception of new things. The importance of implementing competitive potential monitoring at enterprises has been demonstrated, which will provide the management with information about the state and possible ways of the most effective use of potential over time, and will also make it possible to determine both the ways and the possibilities of implementing an effective competitive strategy. This will create prerequisites for the company to achieve a high level of development of competitive potential. Practical value. The results of the study make it possible to determine the role of competitive potential in ensuring the economic development of the motor vehicle enterprise, as well as to single out the main tasks and principles of the formation of competitive potential. |
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