Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №2 (86)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Specific features of forming the socio-economic development strategy of a modern enterprise
Author:Demyanenko T. I., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. During the research, the following methods of scientific research were used: abstraction – when determining the essence of the socio-economic development of an enterprise; comparison – when comparing the factors of economic and social development of an enterprise; systems approach – when forming the principles of the socio-economic business development model; logic – when developing an algorithm for implementing the main elements of the model into the strategy of socio-economic development of modern enterprises. Results. The essence of the socio-economic development of an enterprise is characterized. It has been demonstrated that in order to ensure the effective operation of any enterprise, the process of developing a strategy for its socio-economic development, which combines economic and social components, is important. Such a combination allows the enterprise to achieve higher competitiveness, which is formed due to both material factors (cost reduction, profit maximization) and the influence of intangible components - reputation, customer loyalty, trust. The desire of the management of a vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises to plan their activities in order to avoid risks and threats from the external environment, as well as the formation of adaptive business stability, has been revealed. The work shows the limitations of such an approach and actualizes attention to the importance of improving the level of qualification (special knowledge, skills and abilities) of the management personnel of an organization, directly responsible for the strategic direction of its functioning and development. Novelty. The principles of building a model of socio-economic development of business are singled out and an algorithm for implementing its main elements into the strategy of socioeconomic development of modern enterprises is proposed. Practical value. The principles of building a model of socio-economic development of business are pointed out: the economic situation of an enterprise, the level of its social development, innovativeness; the number of employees who have undergone advanced training; the rate of growth (or decrease) in the volume of product sales; profitability (loss) dynamics; implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility; a set of alternatives for the parallel implementation of strategies for economic and social development of the enterprise; the goals for improving the socio-economic development of the enterprise are defined; criteria for choosing the best solution are established; the usefulness (efficiency) of the implementation of possible alternatives will allow enterprises to have reliable guidelines in their activities and to develop effective strategies for the future. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Social development, Econom- ic development, Strategy, Socio-economic development
File of the article:EV20242_169-175.pdf
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