Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №2 (86)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Relevance of the digitalization process in the development of domestic enterprises in the context of socio-economic instability
Authors:Chobitok I. O., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
Kononov O. I., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Annotation:Methods. During the research, the following methods were used: systemic approach – when studying the process of digital transformation of the economy and its consequences for the functioning of enterprises; analysis and synthesis – when determining the advantages and challenges of introducing digital technologies into the economic activity of domestic enterprises; structural and functional analysis – when distinguishing the components of the cycle of information processes in CRM. Results. The cycle of information processes in CRM is considered and analyzed, covering the concepts on which the management activities of enterprises are based, including the collection, storage and analysis of information about consumers, suppliers, partners and information about relationships with them. Digitalization processes have been shown to provide tools to organize, automate and synchronize all aspects of customer interaction, including marketing, sales, customer service and support, and more. The main components of Big Data based on the use of big data analysis are defined and it is shown that it can significantly contribute to the development of enterprises in various industries. Businesses generate massive amounts of data from a variety of sources, including transactions, social media and sensors. Analysis of this data allows you to identify hidden patterns and trends, quickly react to changes and make operational decisions. Novelty. The article highlights the advantages and identifies the challenges of the digitization process. The key aspects of the implementation of ERP systems have been determined, which allows for the integration of various aspects of the company's activities, providing more accurate planning, control and analysis. This helps to optimize the use of resources and increase productivity, which is critically important in conditions of instability, when it is necessary to use the available resources as efficiently as possible. Practical value. It was determined that digital transformation significantly affects various aspects of enterprise activity, improving business processes, management models, communication with clients and consumers, as well as interaction with suppliers. The implementation of digital technologies contributes to increasing the efficiency, flexibility and competitiveness of enterprises, which are key success factors in today's dynamic market environment. 
Keywords:Digital transformation of enterprises, Socio-economic instability, Business competitiveness, Technological innovation, Strategic management
File of the article:EV20242_176-183.pdf
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