Annotation: | Methods. The methodological basis of the research is: classification – when dividing the components of the organizational and economic support of enterprise management into economic and organizational ones; functional analysis – when establishing the role of strategic parity of the management function; analysis and synthesis – in the study of modern models of development of organizational and economic support of enterprise management based on strategic parity of function and determination of their advantages and disadvantages. Results. The article is aimed at substantiating the importance of a strategic approach and organizational and economic support in the management of modern enterprises, as well as at analyzing the role of strategic parity of functions and methods of its implementation using innovative technologies and digital tools. The article outlines the components of the enterprise's organizational and economic support, which are conventionally divided into two components: the first, organizational, which includes the distribution of duties, responsibilities and powers among the personnel and divisions of the enterprise, and the second, economic, which includes resource management, control and analysis of economic efficiency of the business entity. The methods and tools for ensuring parity in management have been studied, among which the optimization of resource potential, the matrix of responsibility, the formation of cross-functional teams and the analysis of the value creation chain have been highlighted. It has been demonstrated that it is expedient for modern enterprises to integrate their functions while maintaining flexibility in management. The specified process requires a strategic approach, effective organizational and economic support and the use of advanced technologies, which will allow creating conditions for sustainable development and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of the variability of the market environment. Novelty. The models of organizational and economic management of the enterprise based on the strategic parity of the function are analyzed, their functional, divisional, matrix and flexible varieties are distinguished. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the models are determined. It has been proven that one of the key factors in ensuring the strategic parity of the function is digitalization, in particular, the implementation of artificial intelligence and big data analytics. Practical value. In the conditions of the modern economy, the organizational and economic support of the enterprise management process based on strategic parity of function becomes critically important and allows not only to adapt to rapidly changing external conditions, but also to proactively influence them, creating sustainable competitive advantages for enterprises. Effective strategic management contributes to the achievement of long-term goals and sustainable development of the enterprise. |
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