Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Methodical approach to assessing the corporate responsibility of enterprises in the conditions of business innovation
Author:Hovsieiev D. D., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical-methodological approach proposed in this article involves the implementation of the procedure for assessing the corporate responsibility of an enterprise based on an infological methodical approach using a semantic network at the stage of selecting significant indicators of social responsibility. This makes it possible to simplify and logically substantiate the procedure for determining the optimal composition of the necessary indicators. Directly integrated indicator of the level of corporate responsibility was obtained based on the use of the Microsoft Excel application package. Results. It is noted that in today's dynamic environment, where technologies are developing at an incredible speed, the business environment is undergoing radical changes through the introduction of advanced technologies, which open up opportunities for enterprises for economic growth and increasing the efficiency of their operation. The implementation of the principles of corporate responsibility and innovation in business processes is associated with the need for significant investments and changes in corporate culture, which encourages enterprises to pay attention to corporate responsibility as a key factor for achieving sustainable development in conditions of innovation. An indicator of the company's corporate responsibility assessment was obtained, which is based on five group integral indicators characterizing relations with the staff and owners of enterprises, operational efficiency, financial reliability and investment attractiveness for corporate clients. Novelty. An integral indicator of the level of corporate responsibility and management decision-making regarding the use of means of increasing economic stability and further sustainable development of the enterprise in conditions of innovation has been formed. Practical value. The use of the formed integral indicator for assessing corporate responsibility is justified and corresponds to the presented approach to defining the concept of corporate responsibility as a comprehensive one, which covers all spheres of the enterprise's activity and levels of interaction with various stakeholders. This allows getting a more complete picture of its social responsibility and reflects the interests of a certain group of stakeholders (employees, owners, customers, etc.). Group integral indicators are based on the application of a system of indicators that allow you to objectively measure the components of the enterprise's corporate responsibility, establish the dynamics and relationship of general and individual trends of economic stability and sustainable development. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Corporate responsibility, Stakeholders, Approach, Business innovation
File of the article:EV20243_169-178.pdf
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