Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of intellectual capital of enterprises of the transport complex in the conditions of digitalization
Authors:Spitsyna A. Ye., National Transport University,
Golova I. H., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. During the research, the method of scientific abstraction was used – to clarify the essence of the category «intellectual capital», the categories «digitalization», «digital economy»; the method of generalization – to distinguish the stages of the research of intellectual capital issues; the method of analysis and synthesis – when determining the mechanisms of the influence of intellectual capital on the economic development of society, the influence of digitalization on the management of transport enterprises in the conditions of modern digital transformations; logical analysis - when establishing the relationship between indicators of the development of the digital economy and intellectual capital. Results. In the modern concept of economic development, it is intellectual capital that becomes a decisive factor in the growth of national wealth, competitiveness of the country, region, business entity, and quality of life. The analysis of digital transformations in the context of formation, management of intellectual capital, trends of changes in the work of personnel management in the conditions of the digital economy is carried out, an overview of the need for human resources in the conditions of the development of the digital economy is given. The leading vector of the further development of the intellectual capital of enterprises of the transport complex in the conditions of the digital economy should be the issues of classification, measurement and transformation of this capital, as well as the development of tools for transferring its elements into materialized and innovative assets of the enterprise. Novelty. The priorities of the management of intellectual capital of enterprises of the transport complex in the digital environment were determined. The author's definition of intellectual capital is given as a set of intangible assets of the enterprise, which in the process of reproduction create intellectual added value and contribute to the growth of its income and increase in competitiveness. Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the practical activities of the enterprises of the transport complex to manage intellectual capital and increase their competitiveness in digital conditions. 
Keywords:Intellectual capital, Transport complex, Structure of intellectual capital, Digitalization of the economy, Digital technologies, Enterprises, Econom- ic development, Innovations
File of the article:EV20243_179-190.pdf
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