Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Section:Finances, accounting and taxation
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Green finance in the era of digital technologies for Ukraine's post–war recovery
Authors:Krylova O. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Horiacha O. I., Dnipro University of Technology,
Kosohov D. O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The article employs an integrated analytical toolkit encompassing qualitative research methods to analyze issues in digital green finance and sustainable development. A classification method was used to identify types of international digital tools applied in the field of green finance. The generalization methodology was utilized to determine the most effective digital financial tools that can be implemented in the green economy sector to ensure Ukraine’s long-term development.. Results. The study identified the specific features of green financial instruments and assessed their potential for Ukraine’s post-war recovery. It demonstrated that the application of digital technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data, can enhance transparency, reduce costs, and optimize the allocation of financial resources in recovery-focused projects. Key international practices in the use of digital technologies in green financing were examined, and their adaptability to sustainable economic development conditions was analyzed. The study highlighted the impact of integrating international digital green financial instruments on increasing investor trust and attracting new investments to Ukraine. The necessity of incorporating these innovations into the financial sector of Ukraine’s economy to support its post-war recovery was substantiated. Novelty. The study provides new arguments for understanding the opportunities that digital technologies bring to green financing for Ukraine’s post-war recovery. Prospects for integrating technological innovations (blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data) into financing mechanisms for projects aimed at the ecological recovery of Ukraine’s economy and its sustainable development have been identified. Practical value. The potential of using digital technologies in green finance is outlined as a means to facilitate sustainable development and economic recovery in Ukraine during the post-war period. 
Keywords:Green finance, Digital technologies, Sustainable recovery, Post-war recovery, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, Big data
File of the article:EV20244_102-110.pdf
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