Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
UDK:658.8: 346.7 621.3
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Energy retail in Ukraine: trends, challenges and prospects of development
Authors:Zakharchenko Yu. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Shynkarenko N. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained with the application of general scientific and specific methods of scientific knowledge as: scientific abstraction – when disclosing the essence of energy retail; grouping – when implementing the typology of energy retail; factor analysis – when allocating factors of growth of the Ukrainian market of energy resources; SWOT analysis – when assessing the current state of energy retail and identifying promising directions for its development. Results. The essence of energy retail is considered. It has been established that energy retail in Ukraine is going through a period of significant transformations. The factors affecting energy retail have been identified, among which the most influential are war and the energy crisis, decentralization of energy systems, growth of the share of renewable energy sources, digitalization. The analysis of the current state of energy retail in Ukraine is carried out. It formulates perspective directions of its development, namely: expansion of product range, individual marketing solutions, development of energy service and financial services, integration with digital technologies and cooperation with energy companies. The analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats to the implementation of promising directions of development of energy retail in Ukraine is carried out. Novelty. In the process of research, the essence of energy retail is determined as a field of activity related to the sale of energy resources and related services to end consumers. The growth factors of the Ukrainian market of energy resources are singled out and the challenges that pose threats to its successful functioning are identified. Practical value. The results of the study are useful for enterprises operating in the energy sector of the national economy and selling energy resources to end consumers. The directions of development of energy retail in Ukraine identified by the authors of the article can become guidelines for the formation of effective strategies of energy companies. 
Keywords:Marketing, Energy retail, Electricity market, Decentralization, Energy security, Renewable energy sources, Green energy, Energy efficiency, Energy cooperatives, SWOT-analysis
File of the article:EV20244_111-119.pdf
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