Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Features of the development of e-commerce in Ukraine
Author:Ryzhkova H. A., Alfred Nobel University
Annotation:Methods. During the research, the following scientific methods were applied: factor analysis – to identify the factors influencing the development of e-commerce in Ukraine and to establish the interconnections between them; the method of the general and the specific – to determine the specifics of consumer behavior under conditions of reduced access to physical stores; analysis and synthesis – to identify the challenges faced by the development of e-commerce in Ukraine; generalization and systematization – to develop strategies for improving the efficiency of Ukrainian ecommerce operations. Results. The development of the e-commerce market in Ukraine was analyzed. A system of factors that had the most significant impact on the development of e-commerce in Ukraine was identified. It was demonstrated that online trade became the primary channel for meeting basic consumer needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and the war, especially under conditions of disrupted physical access to goods. The main problems of e-commerce functionality in the current environment, associated with the deepening of crisis processes in the national economy, were identified. The assessment of the potential of e-commerce in Ukraine was provided, and the necessary conditions for its realization were determined. Novelty. This study for the first time provides a comprehensive characterization of ecommerce in Ukraine under the influence of crisis factors related to the pandemic and the war. Its humanitarian role is revealed, key challenges are identified, and prospects for overcoming them are outlined. Practical value. The research results highlight the specific features of e-commerce development, making them a basis for forming strategies for the development of trade enterprises and economic policy measures aimed at supporting e-commerce in Ukraine. 
Keywords:E-commerce, Online trading, Innovation, Logistics, Digitalization
File of the article:EV20244_120-129.pdf
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