Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Section:Hospitality industry
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Prospects for the development of cultural and education tourism in Ukraine
Authors:Lyubchuk O. K., SHEI «Pryazovski State Technical University»,
Herasymenko T. V., SHEI «Pryazovski State Technical University»
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained with the application of methods: abstraction – in determining the essence of the category «cultural and educational tourism»; general and specific – in forming the classification of cultural monuments by their types; methods of spatial organization – in the localization of monuments of cultural heritage of Ukraine in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine for planning the development of cultural and educational tourism; generalization – in determining the prospects for the expansion of cultural and educational tourism in Ukraine and the Dnipropetrovsk region. Results. The variability of the «cultural and educational tourism» category was revealed, depending on geographical, socio-economic and cultural factors, as well as on the specifics of demand and supply on the tourist market and resource potential. The need for the introduction of innovative technologies to increase the comfort and attractiveness of cultural and educational tourism for tourists, which includes the use of digital platforms, virtual tours and interactive expositions, is indicated. Attention was also focused on the importance of intensifying the campaign to popularize cultural and educational tourism in the regions, in particular through the promotion of historical and cultural events that have great potential for attracting different age groups. Opportunities for applying innovations in the field of cultural and educational tourism based on international experience, in particular, through the adaptation of successful practices in Ukraine and the Dnipropetrovsk region to increase the competitiveness of tourist products, are identified. Novelty. Determination of prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism in Ukraine through a comprehensive analysis of key factors, which includes the study of the rich cultural heritage of the country, in particular, historical monuments and ethnographic regions, which create unique opportunities for attracting tourists. Special attention is paid to the promotion of local cultural events, which play an important role in the formation of tourist routes, the importance of investments in infrastructure, necessary for the development of this direction of tourism, and state support through cultural heritage promotion programs is emphasized. The importance of European integration for the opening of new opportunities for cultural exchange and the development of domestic tourism, which is increasingly gaining popularity among Ukrainians, is also noted. Practical value. The study can serve as a basis for developing strategic plans for the development of cultural and educational tourism, attracting investments and creating competitive tourism products that will contribute to economic growth and cultural development of regions. 
Keywords:Cultural and educational tourism, Historical and cultural sights, Tourist resources, Potential, Innovations in tourism, Development prospects
File of the article:EV20244_141-152.pdf
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