Annotation: | Methods. The study was based on the use of the method of scientific abstraction – to determine the essence of the concept of «intellectual capital»; a systemic approach – in identifying the components of strategic support for the development of intellectualization of capital; structural and functional analysis – in determining the role of financial, human, social and digital capital in the process of ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises. Results. The article examines the strategic (organizational and economic) support for the development of intellectualization of capital of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of modern economic challenges, such as globalization, digitalization and increased competition. The key problems facing enterprises are considered, including insufficient funding for innovations, weak digital infrastructure, the gap between labor market needs and the level of training. The emphasis is on the need to transform organizational structures, automate business processes and introduce innovative technologies to increase competitiveness. The importance of financial, human, social and digital capital is determined for ensuring sustainable development of enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the role of digital assets, intellectual property, corporate culture and innovation in creating additional competitive advantages. The mechanisms for attracting investments are considered, in particular, public-private partnerships, grant programs and corporate venture funds. The use of modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, for optimizing business processes, monitoring efficiency and making management decisions is analyzed. The importance of investments in digital technologies and infrastructure, the development of human capital through continuous learning, and the creation of favorable conditions for stimulating innovative activity are substantiated. Novelty. The main features of strategic support for the development of intellectual capital are identified, in particular flexibility, innovation, orientation to the long-term perspective and complexity. The principles of strategic support formation are formulated, which include systematicity, adaptability, priority of innovations and sustainable development. Practical value. Determining that the integration of intellectual capital into the strategic plans of enterprises contributes to their adaptation to global markets, ensures innovative development and creates conditions for sustainable economic growth. Recommendations are proposed for improving strategic support through the development of human capital, optimization of digital infrastructure and the formation of long-term investment strategies. |
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