Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №1 (65)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Mechanisms of financing «green» investments
Authors:Zakharchenko N. V., Pridniprovska Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Borysenko N. V., Pridniprovska Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Annotation:The mechanisms of ecological investments financing aimed at creating an effective system of state regulation of «green» economy are considered. The financial mechanisms and financial instruments of «green» investment are analyzed. It is established that green economy development can’t be achieved without the determination of key players, the corresponding operational channels and financial instruments, the creation of a transparent reporting system and risk management system. It is proposed to consider stock market mechanisms in the system of investment and financial mechanisms of the «green» economy as a complex of methods and instruments of capital reallocation between investors (creditors) and borrowers. The disadvantages of the legislative framework regulating the environmental project's financing are pointed out, and the priority directions of their elimination are identified. It is noted that there is a need to consolidate the economic, environmental and organizational aspects of green investment at the legislative level, as well as to solve the main problems arising on the way of green investment. Among that problems are: the lack of information about the purpose of funds that have not been yet spent in Ukraine under the scheme of target ecological («green») investments; inefficient financing of projects under the green investment scheme; the violation of the established terms of heat sanitation projects implementation at the expense of funds received from the quotas sale under the Kyoto Protocol; the lack of quality control and monitoring of projects implementation under the green investment scheme, etc. «Green» projects currently working in other countries are analyzed, possible ways of introducing similar projects on the territory of Ukraine are offered. The problems connected with the «green» investment are highlighted and their possible solutions are given. In particular, it is determined that the development of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly production, investment activation, and the introduction of innovations are perspective. 
Keywords:«green» investment, Financial mechanisms, Financial instruments, State regulation, «green» projects, Sustainable development
File of the article:EV20191_166-180.pdf
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  • Economic theory (current issues of modern economic theory, economic history and history of economic thought);
  • International economic relations (theory and practice of international economic relations, globalization problems, specifics of socioeconomic and sustainable development of the countries of the world)
  • Entrepreneurship and economics of enterprise (theoretical and practical issues of development of branches of national economy)
  • Finances (laws and mechanisms of financial market operation, financial support of enterprises)
  • Accounting and audit (research of methodology, methods and organization of accounting, analysis, audit and audit of financial and economic activities of enterprises and the tax system)
  • Environmental management (issues of raising utilization efficiency of environmental management, resources saving issues, problems of search and feasibility study of raw material sources, directions and efficiency of the state economic policy in resource saving and environmental protection)
  • Management (theoretical and practical issues of management in economic activities)
  • Econometrics in management decision making (scientific substantiation of efficient management decision making methods in branch and enterprise economy)
  • Мarketing (theoretical and practical issues of marketing approach to branch and enterprise development)
  • Public administration (the study of state system of economy regulation, functions, management structures of different levels, the issues of organizational and economic mechanism of state support of entrepreneurship, activation of local communities’ activities)

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problem statement in general and its correlation with important scientific or practical tasks;

analysis of recent papers containing the solution of the above problem for the authors to ground their research (references are required), determination of previously unsolved parts of a general problem discussed in the article;

aim of the article (statement of purpose);

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conclusions of the research and perspectives for further scientific development in the sphere.

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  • abstracts, keywords – 12 pt;
  • references – 10 pt.

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Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations, NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic", Yavornitsky Avenue, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005.


Telephones: +380 (56) 47-15-66, 380 (97) 115-75-45 - Senior Editor Nina Cherchenko Albertivna.


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