Issue: | 2017 №3 (59) |
Section: | |
UDK: | 336.717.18 |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 86-92 |
Title: | Conceptual basis of anti—crisis management in banking |
Author: | Pilgui S. S. |
Annotation: | The main conceptual foundations of the anticrisis management in providing financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine are outlined. The structural—logical scheme of the components of the development process of the banking crisis are developed, the appropriate types of crisis management and implementation tools are indicated. The classification of the principles of the implementation of anti–crisis management according to the challenges of the present is proposed. |
Keywords: | Crisis management, Financial resilience of the banking system, Banking crisis, Crisis phenomena |
File of the article: | EV20173_086-092.pdf |
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