Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2017 №3 (59)
Article language:Russian
Title:Foreign experience of preparation, retraining and increase of qualification of workers of the banking sphere
Author:Kholikov Kh. Kh.
Annotation:The national peculiarities of banking personnel management in leading foreign countries are examined. It was found out that the training of employees in foreign banks, as an integral element of the general system of work with personnel, is subject to strict economic criteria and is oriented toward the ultimate practical result. It is shown that the most important direction of improving the system of personnel formation is the coordination of planning and management of personnel with the strategy of economic activity, thus increasing its effectiveness in general. 
Keywords:Foreign experience, Training, Retraining, Improving skills, Banking, Education, Human resources
File of the article:EV20173_093-099.pdf
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