Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2017 №4 (60)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Problems of commercialization of intellectual construction products
Authors:Gharinova A. H.,
D E.,
Tsybenko I. O.
Annotation:The problems of commercialization of intellectual product in construction connected with technological, competitive, market uncertainty and risk are dealt with. Specific features of intellectual property commercialization are considered, in particular the ones that arises when using the results of intellectual activity on the terms of concluding agreements between coauthors of the patent; between the owners of the patent and the authors in connection with the payment of remuneration for the use of the industrial property object; between the owners of the patent during the commercial realization of the intellectual product. It is emphasized that commercialization is an essential element with technological, competitive and market uncertainty and risk. Specific features of intellectual property commercialization of intellectual property in the innovation process are considered. 
Keywords:Commercialization, Intellectual product, Construction industry, Intellectual reresources
File of the article:EV20174_166-169.pdf
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