Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic interests in the system of mechanisms of the state influence on the economy
Author:Lazebnik L. L., National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Annotation:The role of personified and social interests in the formation and implementation of state economic policy is analyzed on the example of using the public finance instrument. The purpose of the study is to form theoretical and methodological foundations of interests as a key parameter of the general mechanisms of self-reproduction of the economy in the system «state - the development of the national economy». The statement about an influence of general mechanisms of selfreproduction in the economy is used to move from the consideration of needs as a driver of economic behavior to interests as a deep root cause of economic development, which underlies both current and long-term changes in the economic system of society. Moving attention to incentives, motivations to action and material regulators in the economic process allows us to highlight the multifunctional role of interests and to determine their key role in ensuring the economic and social development of the national economic. It is shown that the creation of an adequate mechanism for the realization of economic interests in a society is connected with the activity of the state. Public finances are recognized as a leverage of state influence on public and private interests. In conditions of coexistence of the state and the market, public finances are capable of ensuring the balance of all economic processes, built on a compromise of their interests. It is proved, that the greater the part of public finances in GDP, the greater the financial incentives for the realization of interests. The analysis of the volume and specific weight of funds that were distributed in Ukraine through the consolidated budget in 2012–2018 gave rise to the conclusion about a significant part of the imperative redistribution of GDP through public finances. The consequences of applying such an option of economic policy are identified, their contradictory nature is established. It is proved that optimizing the redistribution of GDP through public finances is an extremely important step in the context of creating favorable conditions for economic growth in Ukraine. The necessity of reforming the system of public finances as an important direction of transformation of the Ukrainian economy is pointed out. 
Keywords:Economic interests, Impetus of economic development, State influence on the economy, Mechanisms of self-regulation, Public finances, Economic size of the state
File of the article:EV20192_018-028.pdf
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