Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Substance and structure of the high-tech sector of the national economy
Authors:Pruschkivska E. V., National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»,
Tkachuk A. M., National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»
Annotation:The article considers the problem of determining the substance of the high-tech sector of the national economy. The analysis of domestic and foreign scientific works allowed the authors to conclude that the high-tech criterion can be applied to a sector of the national economy, rather than to its sphere. It has been proved that the main components of the high-tech sector are two areas: the sphere of high-tech material production (which produces industrial products and agricultural industrial complex products) and the sphere of high-tech services (which produces service products, including social ones). The existing approaches and criteria for determining high-tech industries in different countries implemented by international organizations and certain countries (OECD, USA, Canada, EU countries, China, Ukraine) are investigated. It has been revealed that most widespread in the world is the quantitative approach of the OECD, which is based on the calculation of indicators of the ratio of R&D costs to output indicators. In the USA and Canada, expert and product approaches have become widespread (in AeA and CB organizations). They allow us to determine the level of manufacturability for each specific product group. In addition, it was found that different approaches can be used for different research purposes. Thus, the sectoral approach should be applied for the purposes of macroeconomic analysis and international comparisons; commodity approach – for comparing export / import volumes; an approach based on the high-tech enterprise definition - for developing a state support system and stimulating the high-tech sector development. The sectoral structure of the high-tech sector of the national economy, adapted to Ukrainian environment, is presented, in which, along with high-tech industries and agricultural industrial complex, the service industries are differentiated, which are characterized by knowledge intensity. 
Keywords:High technologies, Sector, Sphere, High-tech sector, National economy, Industry structure, Criteria, Approaches
File of the article:EV20192_043-052.pdf
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