Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №2 (66)
Section:Econometrics in management decision making
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic-mathematical model for determining the optimal prices for producers of raw materials and processing enterprises
Authors:Demydenko M. A., Dnipro University of Technology,
Churikanova O. Yu., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The relationship between existing prices for finished goods, the dollar exchange rate and inflation index in Ukraine is examined. The existence of a high dependence of agricultural prices on these indicators has been determined. It appears that the issue of cost-effective pricing policy and a scientifically sound strategy for promoting finished products on the market has not been sufficiently developed. It is proposed to consider the dollar and inflation indices when constructing the economic and mathematical model of optimal price calculation. It is established that notequivalent exchange between raw material producers and processing enterprises is one of the reasons for the decline in production. Purchasing prices set by processing enterprises not only offset production costs but also provoke inflation-related losses. It would be possible to stimulate producers if processing companies set economically advantageous prices. Therefore, when determining the price of products, it is necessary to focus not only on its cost, but also on such indicators as the rate of inflation in the country. In addition, one of the most important factors that has a direct influence on the price level of any product, including agriculture, is the dollar exchange rate. Studies have shown that prices for agricultural products reflect fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate and changes in inflation. In order to increase the efficiency of business, there is a necessity to optimize the structure and organization of a wider distribution network of finished products. The economic-mathematical model of calculating optimal prices for raw materials and finished products is offered. The criterion of optimization in the model is the volume of sales of products of the processing enterprise and farms. The model allows for the reconciliation of the profitability of the enterprises and the necessary profitability of the processing enterprise and the maximum possible profitability for the raw materials supplier. The developed measures of integrated pricing of raw materials and ensuring the profitability of processing enterprises aimed at eliminating the monopolistic influence of the processing enterprise on purchase prices, ensure mutually beneficial cooperation of partners. In such circumstances, the partnership of production participants will be mutually beneficial and sustainable. 
Keywords:Model, Inflation, Correlation, Optimization criterion, Restrictions, Raw materials, Agricultural products, Prices, Moдeль, ihфляцiя, kopeляцiя, kpиtepiй oпtиmiзaцiї, oбmeжehhя, cиpobиha, ciльcьkoгocпoдapcьka пpoдykцiя, цihи, Model, inflation, correlation, optimization criterion, restrictions, raw materials, agricultural products, prices
File of the article:EV20192_144-150.pdf
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