Annotation: | The article determines that in the current conditions of functioning of the world economic system, the presence of the sphere of managing the structural transformations of innovative potential of enterprises at domestic enterprises contributes to their strategic innovation development and transition of Ukraine to the financial and economic growth path. Since market conditions are characterized by volatility of the financial position of enterprises due to the volatility of supply and demand, prices for goods and material and technical resources, changes in the competitive environment and other macro and microeconomic factors – one of the primary tasks of enterprise management is to form and evaluate the current and long-term prospects – management of innovation potential. The concept of «structural transformation management and innovation potential of the enterprise» has been refined and determined that it is a model of consistent implementation of actions aimed at creation of a set of innovative resources, the realization of which promotes the improvement and optimization of production, enables the introduction and creation of innovations for strategic competitive advantages ensuring the progressive development of the enterprise. It is concluded that the system of structural transformations of innovative potential of enterprises is a set of all available and potential resources of the enterprise, which can ensure the achievement of certain strategic goals in the current and long-term perspective, taking into account the influence of environmental factors. Thus, carrying out a qualitative analysis of the innovative potential of the enterprise will enable: to ensure an adequate level of economic and financial sustainability of the enterprise through the availability of sufficient amount of equity capital; to ensure the investment and innovative development of the enterprise due to the identification of sufficient opportunities for capital immobilization from external sources. |
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