Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of economic behavior of an enterprise under the influence of internal and external risk environment
Author:Protsenko V. M., Discovery International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
Annotation:In modern economic science, there is no systematization of the types of economic behavior of enterprises, which is formed under the influence of internal and external environment in high-risk conditions. The author identifies the main types of economic behavior of an enterprise, which are realized at different stages of its life cycle, namely: production, exchange, distribution, and consumer behavior. Domestic enterprises are in the reproduction cycle (being multifunctional): at the same time they participate in the formation of economic development vectors, accumulate and exchange experience, consume and invest. It is determined that the success of enterprises depends largely on their own behavior, their level of activity and adaptation to modern requirements of economic reality. The main factors of incapability of domestic enterprises to overcome the crisis are the low level of their readiness to modernize production and increase the level of competitiveness. To solve these problems, it is necessary to formulate and implement strategies and tactics of economic behavior of enterprises. The necessity of realization of mechanisms of formation of economic behavior of enterprises is established, which is the basis for raising the level of financial indicators, is orientation on creativity and innovation, ability to react actively and flexibly to changes of internal and external risk environment. The formation of economic behavior of enterprises under the influence of internal and external risk environment, focused on entrepreneurial motivation and provision a high degree of security, encounters “relative” freedom of economic behavior, as enterprises are in a situation of uncertainty and risk arising from factors of different etymology of origin. It is shown that effective functioning and development of domestic enterprises in modern conditions implies determination of factors of internal and external economic behavior and observance of necessary principles of activity. 
Keywords:Economic behavior of enterprises, Uncertainty, Risk, Internal risk environment, External risk environment
File of the article:EV20193_181-186.pdf
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