Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Methodology of scientific knowledge: objective necessity of research of development safety of an enterprise as an economic system
Author:Mushnikova S. A., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:The paper defines that the current state of the economy of Ukraine as a whole and its individual economic entities is characterized by the loss of controllability. This led to a sharp deterioration of the economic conditions of individual microlevel entities and, as a consequence, the deterioration of macroeconomic indicators. The way out of the current situation in the economy of Ukraine is rather revolutionary measures than evolutionary, the changes that would lead to the comprehensive development of all levels, and above all, the activities of economic entities. The notions on the methodology of scientific knowledge have been clarified as an objective necessity of researching the development safety of quasi-homeostatic socio-economic systems, which include individual enterprises. The author summarizes the influence of the philosophical aspect of cognition on the hierarchy and development of scientific knowledge as a component of the methodology for researching the safety of enterprise development. The paper substantiates the importance of the principle of historicism, along with the basic general scientific principles of the theory of knowledge, such as objectivity, recognizability, active creative reflection, dialectics, and concreteness of truth. The principle of the historicism of the theory of cognition provides the possibility of a logical combination of the definition of categories of «safety» and «development» within the epistemological aspects of knowledge of the nature of their occurrence and interconnection in modern conditions through the study of causes and factors of influence on the development of economic entities, determining the historical and epistemological aspects of their safety. The article deals with the specific principles and methods inherent in the theory of knowledge of development safety of socio-economic systems, namely: adequate uncertainty and system-centrism. 
Keywords:Methodology, Scientific knowledge, Principles of the theory of cognition, Methods of cognition, Principle of historicism, Historical-epistemological aspect, Principle of systemcentrism, Principle of adequate uncertainty, Quasi-homeostatic socio-economic systems
File of the article:EV20193_187-196.pdf
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