Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Social justice and liberal tradition: F. von Hayek’s view
Author:Nesterenko O. P., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Annotation:The article highlights the neoliberal concept of individual, or commutative justice, the development of which is a logical continuation of the liberal tradition in economic science. The analytical generalization of F. von Hayek's scientific views made it possible to offer an author's interpretation of the features of a critical analysis of the prevailing concept of social justice in the context of the further spread of liberal principles of economic development. The author structured the directions of criticism by F. von Hayek of the prevailing concept of distributive social justice. It is pointed out that the Austrian neo-liberal refused a false understanding of the phenomenon of justice, which destroys individual economic freedom and motivational mechanisms of any society. The unnatural, non-evolutionary, exogenous relative to the market nature of the category of distributive social justice, its differences from the true social categories, which have an evolutionary nature, are emphasized. It is proved that the liberal and neoliberal traditions of commutative justice are ideologically opposed to the pseudo-socially-oriented concept of distributive justice. The socio-economic views of F. von Hayek are analyzed, representing a critical analysis of paternalism, social security, pressure of organized influence groups. It is argued that Hayek's analysis of social justice is based on an interdisciplinary approach that covers economic theory, philosophy, political science, law, and other social sciences. It is concluded that the further promotion of the rhetoric of social justice requires a reorientation of the value orientations of social policy in the direction from the implementation of a distributive effective approach and state paternalism to the formation of partnerships and social responsibility based on the observance of a clearly defined and unified system of institutional rules and norms. 
Keywords:Liberal tradition, Social justice, Commutative justice, F. von Hayek, Austrian neoliberalism, Distributive justice
File of the article:EV20194_019-026.pdf
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