Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Innovation-technological component of economic development in the globalization conditions
Authors:Dubey Yu. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Pylypenko Yu. I., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The state of innovative development of Ukraine in modern conditions, its place in the world economy according to the potential of long-term growth are viewed, ways of reforming the domestic economy on the basis of innovative principles are substantiated in the article. The main globalization tendencies that significantly influence the trajectory of socio-economic development of our country are highlighted. Positions of Ukraine in the world economy according to the Global Competitiveness Index of different years are shown. Some methodological peculiarities of formation of this index are analyzed and the criteria of allocation of groups of the world countries depending on the stage of their development are highlighted. Comparison of Ukraine's position on the Global Competitiveness Index with the neighboring countries and republics of the former USSR, which simultaneously began to reform their economic systems on market principles, was carried out. The dynamics of the Global Competitiveness Index indicators of our country are analyzed and the position of its lagging behind the leading countries of the world is highlighted. The key problems of the national economy and other components of our society functioning in the current conditions are described. The necessity of strengthening the innovative component of economic development of Ukraine in terms of aggravation of competition on world markets is substantiated. Factors that impede the innovation orientation of economic activity in the country and do not stimulate the innovation-oriented behavior of its economic entities are highlighted. On the basis of the theory of techno-economic paradigm regularities of technological changes of economic systems are considered and their structural features are highlighted. The necessity of interconnection of technological modernization of the domestic economy on the basis of wide introduction of innovations with further institutional transformations of our society, favorable for innovations, is emphasized. 
Keywords:Innovation, Technological development, Institutional structure, Institutional transformations, Global competitiveness index, Technical and economic paradigm
File of the article:EV20194_027-035.pdf
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