Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Communication of economic freedom, entrepreneurship and economic development in global economy
Authors:Herashchenko S. O., Dnipro University of Technology,
Chornobayev V. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The article considers economic freedom as a fundamental principle of creating a favorable business climate, developing entrepreneurship, trust or distrust from foreign investors, creditors, and its impact on economic development in the country and improving the economic well-being of the population in today's global world. The article demonstrated the relationship between the level of GDP, as an indicator of the well-being of the population of a certain country and the level of economic freedom achieved by it, which is calculated using the Index of Economic Freedom at the theoretical level. The components of this index are characterized, the methodology of its calculation is given, and its analytical capabilities are shown in the analysis of economies around the world. The groups of countries classified by the Index of Economic Freedom are characterized. The article analyzes economic freedom in Ukraine. Ukraine's place in the world economic freedom rating is explored. The discrepancy between the ideal of economic freedom and the state of affairs in Ukraine is revealed. The monitoring of the state of economic freedom has identified the major gaps that have taken place in the national economy and hindered the development of entrepreneurship and slow down economic growth. The dynamics of the main components of the Economic Freedom Index in Ukraine are analyzed. The comparative characteristic of the index of economic freedom in Ukraine and other post-socialist countries in the dynamics of 2016–2019 is conducted. It is established that Ukraine has the worst index of economic freedom, and in the last 3 years it was the least able to improve it. This indicates the absence of real reforms of socioeconomic relations and their implementation mainly as imitation. 
Keywords:Index of economic freedom, Level of perception of corruption, Imitative reforms of social-economic relations, Pillars of economic freedom, Investment attractiveness, Econom- ic development
File of the article:EV20194_036-043.pdf
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