Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
UDK:331: 33.025
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Mechanisms of institutionalizing the social responsibility of employers for preservation of employees’ health in Ukraine
Author:Oganezova A. V., Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Annotation:The article proposes a way of overcoming the contradiction that exists between employers' need for employees’ health capital and employers' passive participation in measures for its reproduction, which is caused by objective and subjective reasons. The necessity of using institutionalization mechanisms for forming the social responsibility of employers in conditions of low level of employees’ health in Ukraine is substantiated. The mechanisms of institutionalization of social responsibility of employers for the protection of employees’ health is presented as the measures of legal, organizational, economic and informational nature that contribute to the routine of the employer's actions in order to preserve employees’ health. The classification of the mechanisms of institutionalization of employers' social responsibility for preserving employees’ health is based on the relationships with other subjects of social responsibility. Its difference is the selection of five groups of features regarding: the nature of influence on the behavior of economic entities, the form of involvement in the processes of preserving the health of the entities, the form of existence, the method of origin of mechanisms of institutionalization, the use of which improves the quality of monitoring its functioning, as well as formulating the idea of the forms and content of the interaction of subjects. The mechanisms of institutionalization are instruments of transformation of the existing institutional trap (institute of irresponsible behavior of employers) and formation of the institute of social responsibility of employers for preserving the health of employees. Obligatory and voluntary mechanisms of institutionalization of the social responsibility of employers for preserving the health of workers, which form the actions of employers on the factors of health risk, are considered; weak development of voluntary mechanisms and inefficiency of mandatory mechanisms in Ukraine are pointed out. The expediency of introducing such institutionalization mechanisms as the legislatively established cost of human life and measures for the implementation of workplace health promotion programs are demonstrated. 
Keywords:Social responsibility of employers, Institutionalization, Mechanism of institutionalization, Institutional trap, Employees’ health, Classification
File of the article:EV20194_044-055.pdf
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