Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Environmental prerequisites for formation of economic efficiency of broiler production
Author:Shevtsova O. L., National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Annotation:The organizational and economic problems of poultry waste management are analyzed and environmental risks arising from neglect of the rules for handling by-products of animal origin are highlighted. A retrospective analysis of domestic and foreign literature is carried out. Using analytical and statistical methods, the initial statistical data on the formation of solid waste in a poultry farm with broiler production of poultry were processed. It has been revealed that a significant part of solid waste removed from broiler farms without any additional treatment falls into the fields, household plots and freshly applied as organic fertilizer to the soil, which creates serious environmental risks. Development and justification of methodological approaches to the increase of economic efficiency of broiler production on a deep litter. The economic efficiency of broiler production and byproducts has been substantiated. The initial statistical data on the formation of solid waste in poultry farms with broiler production of poultry were processed. The commercialization of broiler manure in outdoor bird keeping is analyzed and the dynamics of its change is studied. The processing of litter manure into environmentally friendly organic fertilizer results in a new product with high consumer properties appearing on the Ukrainian market. An economic analysis of 12 manufacturing enterprises and 14 organic fertilizers based on chicken manure with their value was carried out. Based on the results of an economic analysis of the quality indicators of organic fertilizers, the average price of organic fertilizer was calculated based on their value. The estimated profit, which is not received by the enterprise, was calculated on the sale of organic fertilizer obtained in conditions of using environmentally friendly technology from bird’s manure during 2016–2018. The analysis of the market of organic fertilizers from poultry manure in Ukraine is carried out and, accordingly, the average price for its sale is justified. 
Keywords:Broiler production, Economic efficiency, Poultry manure, Costs, Organic fertilizer, Animal by-products, Poultry production, Organizational and economic regulation
File of the article:EV20194_102-109.pdf
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