Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Scientific approach to harmonization of management of economic security potential of machine-building enterprises
Authors:Aref'eva A. V., National Aviation University,
Kopcha Yu. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:The article explores theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of «strategic guidelines», shows their place in the strategic management of the enterprise in terms of ensuring the potential for economic security of its activities. This enabled a justification of the interaction of certain components while ensuring the potential for economic security of the enterprise for the integrated implementation of management processes. The authors have proposed a model of harmonizing the management of economic security potential within the chosen strategic guideline of the differential growth of enterprises, identified the main possible directions for increasing the level of potential of the economic security of enterprises through personnel, financial and production components. The matrix has been developed for selecting directions of the level of economic security potential of enterprises increase, which is built in a coordinate system whose axes are level of economic security potential existing at the enterprise and an indicator of the influence of the external environment. This made it possible to identify zones of economic security. The substantive content of each of the twenty-five quadrants is justified, which gives the opportunity to determine the level of economic security potential more thoroughly. The authors substantiate the relationship between the potential of economic security of the enterprise and the need for its energy development, which is confirmed by generated models for each enterprise to enhance its own economic security potential with the inherent features of using the studied components. In terms of unstable market conditions, this will allow to choose such tools and methods that will contribute to the adoption of adequate managerial decisions in realization of the potential of economic security and ensuring the stability of the implementation of strategic guidelines of the enterprise. The predicted values of the economic security potential of the studied enterprises are calculated on the basis of the consideration of proposed measures, which helps to ensure the implementation of selected strategic guidelines in modern business conditions and allows the harmonization of the components of internal environment with the external one during continuous operations. 
Keywords:Management, Management harmonization, Economic security potential, Machine building enterprises, Strategic guidelines, Development, Performance efficiency
File of the article:EV20194_110-120.pdf
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